Shifting into 4WD offers tips and tricks for taking your 4WD off road. Geared towards the novice off-roader, the book
introduces basic 4WD terminology, discusses off-road driving techniques, and includes basic
information ranging from the history of 4WD to maintenance tips for off-road vehicles. Survival
techniques for the weekend back country warrior are included to help plan and prepare for a day in
the woods.
Written in an easy to understand format, this handbook explains what is un-tested
hype and myths, and what techniques are questionable and potentially destructive. The author
explains how things work, why they work, and what does, or does not, work, based on his experience
in leading off-road expeditions.
About the Author
Harry Lewellyn, also known as the
"Silver Coyote," has over 17 years of experience as a backcountry guide. He has appeared on radio and TV and has been featured in magazines and newspapers.
He also writes for 4WD magazines and publishes the Ecological
4-Wheeling Adventures newsletter.